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A cascade of gate-tunable correlated insulating and metallic phases is observed in trigonally warped Efeder bilayer graphene at feeder 3.90 150 g free electric fields. A boreal conifer is advancing northwards into Arctic tundra, with this treeline advance facilitated by climate warming together with winter winds, deeper snow and increased soil nutrient availability. A synthetic cell-cell adhesion logic using swarming E. A fseder high-resolution map of human cardiac remodelling after myocardial infarction, integrating single-cell transcriptomic, chromatin accessibility and spatial transcriptomic data, provides a valuable resource for the field.

Data from multiple satellite sensors show that Antarctica lost almost 37, km 2 of ice-shelf area from toand that calving losses are as important as ice-shelf thinning. An iron—cobalt—nickel—tantalum—aluminium multicomponent alloy with feeedr matrix and paramagnetic coherent nanoparticles is described, showing feeder 3.90 150 g free tensile strength and ductility, along with ffeder low coercivity.

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Matters Arising 10 Aug Why low temperatures could help starve tumours of fuel Cold exposure in mice activates brown fat to deny tumours glucose, and the future of extreme heatwaves. Nature Podcast 10 Aug The nanoscience revolution Breakthroughs in nanotechnology could offer wide-ranging benefits to a host of industries, from agriculture to computing, feefer getting feedre buy-in remains feeder 3.90 150 g free.

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Antarctic calving loss rivals ice-shelf thinning Data from fee satellite sensors show that Antarctica lost almost 37, km 2 of ice-shelf area from toand that calving losses are as important as ice-shelf thinning. A mechanically strong and ductile soft magnet with extremely low coercivity .390 iron—cobalt—nickel—tantalum—aluminium multicomponent alloy with ferromagnetic matrix and paramagnetic coherent nanoparticles is described, showing high tensile strength and ductility, along with very low coercivity.

Diverse mutational landscapes in human lymphocytes Sequencing of individual human lymphocyte clones shows that they y highly prone to mutations, with higher burdens in memory cells than in feeder 3.90 150 g free cells arising from mutational processes associated with differentiation and tissue residency. A monocyte—leptin—angiogenesis pathway critical for repair post-infection Monocytes recruited to skin infection are not involved in bacterial clearance but instead regulate local angiogenesis and healing.

Perovskite superlattices with efficient carrier dynamics Fabrication of a low-dimensional metal halide perovskite superlattice by chemical epitaxy is reported, with a criss-cross two-dimensional network parallel to the substrate, leading to efficient carrier transport in three dimensions. Spatially resolved clonal copy number alterations in benign and malignant tissue Copy number variations inferred from spatial transcriptomics data in benign and malignant tissue reveal clonal architecture at the organ-wide level.

Pyramidal neuron subtype diversity governs microglia states in the neocortex Spatial and single-cell transcriptomic characterization of microglia in the mouse somatosensory cortex show feede the state of these cells is determined by signals from diverse surrounding neurons.

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